Friday, September 15, 2006

Flickr integrated mapping and geotagging

Here's a new Web 2.0 feature for the Flickr Freaks in our audience.

Flickr now gives you the capability to quickly geotag your photos. If you use the Flickr Organizer to do this, your photo will appear on the Map for whatever group(s) your photo belongs to.

Login to Flickr and click "Organizer" from the menu at the top of the web page. Select the "Map" tab. Wait a moment for everything to load and you'll see a selection of thumbnails of your photos along the bottom of the screen and the map across the top. Zoom to your location in the map, then drag and drop your thumbnail photos to the location.

Any photos that belong to a Flickr group will automatically appear on that groups map page. The Bike Nation Map, for example, is here.

Kudos to my old friend Emo for showing this to me!

Photo info: Bike Nation World Map by richardmasoner.

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