Monday, December 22, 2008

Bicycle jobs

Atlanta, GA: School outreach coordinator. This one looks interesting!

Austin, TX: Charity ride executive directory. Also, Fallbrook Technlogies (the NuVinci drive company) is hiring.

Boston: Bike messenger and Bike cop.

Chicago: Video production for a "green" business.

Dallas: One of the "key duties" for this Insurance Sales Producer is "Bicycle Safety."

Boulder: VeloNews is hiring a technical editor, building on the work of Lennard Zinn and Matt Pacocha.

Santa Cruz: Senior Design Engineer.

San Francisco: Sales Director for Timbuk2; Production Coordinator for a charity ride; Field Traffic Data Technician for Alameda County; "Fit Professor" for Specialized in Morgan Hill.


-p said...

I hope no one else that reads this blog wants the Velonews Tech Editor position, because I pretty much have it in the bag :-)

Arleigh Jenkins said...

Fancy! Some of those look pretty interesting