Wednesday, February 03, 2010

High school physics and bicycling

Teacher Luther Davis III plans to cycle 140 miles tomorrow, all inside of his high school physics classroom in Lake Mary, Florida while teaching the principles of physics to his students.

He'll ride on home made rollers while explaining momentum, balance, work, power, energy dynamics and other principles of classical mechanics.

He plans to use PowerPoint and video excerpts in addition to his anecdotal knowledge to convey lessons while he rides. When asked if the teaching will make him more tired, Davis says, "Yea maybe, but, I'll be sharing physics with every exhale, it'll be more efficient that way!"

"Luther Davis III" is a perfect name for an evil genius bent on dominating the world, and this video shows he already has his adoring legion of minions willing to obey his every command.

Besides world domination, Davis hopes to raise awareness for cycling in Florida and an upcoming Tour de Cure ride.

Learn more at Davis's Cycling Physics web page. Via WIRED Magazine.

1 comment:

Mark said...

I remember a H.S. Physics teacher who started his first lecture to us while sitting on the podium at the front of the class, with a guitar, and was discussing the dynamics of vibrating strings while playing Bob Dylan tunes.