Saturday, November 29, 2008

General James Jones and his bicycle commute

Carlton mentioned General James Jones on his blog and on The Spokesmen podcast this week because General Jones -- Barack Obama's choice as National Security Advisor -- was a bike commuter when he Supreme Allied Commander of NATO and Commander of the U.S. European Command in Belgium. He retired from the U.S. Marine Corps last year

According to the New York Times, Jones still bikes to his job as chairman of the board of directors of an influential Washington think tank.
At 64, General Jones bicycles from home to work twice each week, riding the nine miles from McLean, Va., to the offices of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, two blocks from the White House, where he runs a task force on energy.
Read more.


-p said...

At 64, riding your bike to work is a great way to keep your heart free of goo. Cheney - take note.

bikesgonewild said...

...i was about to comment that even if i disagreed w/ a man's politics, the fact that he showed the good common sense to ride a bike to work would better allow me to try & understand his p.o.v....

...then i remembered george w. bush & his trek...

Jennifer said...

Well, W. is one of those rec-only riders, isn't he?

(Not to hate on rec riders or anything, just pointing out that the distinction can be pretty large for some folks.)

bikesgonewild said...

...jennifer...actually in this case, you are extremely correct...

...besides, w never really did any work "for" this country anyway...
...along w/ cheney & rumsfield, he "worked" this country for 8 years & the results of that are now becoming obvious but as far as accomplishing anything, not so much...