Friday, November 14, 2008

Gun racks for bicycles

In response to my rednecks on bikes post last August, Russ in Cleveland sent me this photo of his dad's bike with his old .22 rifle.

Russ's dad's gun bike

Russ writes of his dad and his dad's bike:
It's a pretty simple rack using two wood mounts and some elastic to hold it in place. He is not a hard core gun nut or anything crazy like that, just a practical person trying to protect his garden, farm, and beehives from critters.

The bike is a new addition. My brothers and sisters bought my parents two second hand bikes in December for Christmas presents. After not having bicycles on hand for twenty years my parents have embraced cycling again usually going for 5 to 10 mile outings once a week. Both are in their sixties, and my dad newly retired now uses the bike for lots of neighborhood commuting (ex. cycling to church, to the neighbors, to creek). Its pretty cool to see.

I looked around the web and found another DIY rifle carry for a bike. This guy just attached a backpack scabbard to his front basket.
Guns on bikes

There's even a commercial gun rack that mounts on the handlebar. Do you point the rifle toward or away from traffic?
Guns on bikes

Finally, here are some historical guns on bikes photos.

Guns on bikes Guns on bikes Guns on bikes

I'm still looking for an NRA bike jersey, BTW. Has anybody ever seen one?


Anonymous said...

I wonder if I'd get less flak from motorists with one of these?

Anonymous said...

You'd never see an NRA jersey, unless it was meant to be ironic. I've never met a conservative cyclist.

Yokota Fritz said...

@Ben, the guy who posted before you is very conservative. So is this carless dude, this guy, this guy to some degree and even (in some ways) this guy.

There are cyclists across the whole political spectrum -- Bush is an avid mountain biker, after all, while Ralph Nader absolutely eschews bikes and thinks they should be banned from the streets for safety reasons.

Yokota Fritz said...

And I suspect Russ's father who shoots critters on his farm and rides his bike to church is probably fairly conservative.

GhostRider said...

I'm waiting for some aftermarket company to make a Browning M2 .50 Cal. machine gun mount for the back of my Xtracycle...with a remote-mounted trigger on the handlebar.

Is that true about Ralph Nader? If so, I guess I don't feel so bad for not voting for him the past couple of elections.

Adrienne said...

These are so damn funny! They would be hilarious to ride around with! Talk about getting plenty of room to ride!

Nick said...

Randall O'Toole, the anti-transit highway-lobby shill, reportedly (wikipedia!) bikes to work. Go figure.

Jennifer said...

No, true irony would be a AAA jersey.

bikesgonewild said...


...everything pictured looks so, i don't know, unwieldy, i guess...

...i'd suggest a good cyclo-cross bike w/ a handlebar mounted mac 10 on a 150* swivel...

...oh, wait...i thought this was for urban assault "traffic control"...

...i see i'm being a little extreme here...must be having "claim the lane - pay back" issues...

Da' Square Wheelman, said...

Of course, American rednecks are only copying the time-honored tradition of weaponizing our trusty steeds. Check out this site for the dreaded German Panzerfaust Bicycle - about 1/2 way down the page.

Yokota Fritz said...

@wheelman: I like those WWII bike photos.

@ghost: Read it in an interview sometime back. Couldn't find it, though.

@295: That Wiki article also says O'Toole promotes transit?

@BGW: Extremism in the defense of lane space is, umm, something.

@Jennifer: Here you go.

Unknown said...

@yokota, I'd say my dad is mostly a left leaning republican. He is married to a hard core Catholic, so he has to look like a republican, but he is too smart to only think one way about things. I am pretty sure he voted for Obama, but told my mom he voted for McCain.


Please don't take any offense to anything I just said.

Anonymous said...

Good point about the AAA jersey.

I guess that there must be conservative cyclists somewhere. I've never met any in my urban cycling advocate crowd. Presumably conservative cyclists are more recreational users.

Anonymous said...

attention all. I am an elite xc racer, and guess what? i am a conservative. I like guns, hate taxes, adore jesus, and the big shocker, think that marriage should be between a man and women! I hope I did not offend no one.

GeologyJoe said...

i found this post looking for an NRA jersey. I wish I could find a full zip.

Anonymous said...

Seems there's an untapped market here. I do know lots of conservative cyclists on Twitter who said they'd love to be able to buy a GOP jersey... Hmmm....

Dave said...

Like GeoJoe, I came across this thread looking for an NRA jersey.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if I'd get less flak from motorists with one of these?

Who cares as long as your artillery is heavy enough.

Rick Risemberg said...

One of my best riding buds is a 66 year old Goldwater Republican. We have little in common politically, but plenty in common velocipedally.

And anarchism, so popular amongst bike punx, can go right or left in its many variations. (I favor the left-leaning anarcho-syndicalism.) Many cyclists are libertarians too, which usually trends rightward.

hell, a lot of the arguments for road diets and bike infrastructure can easily be couched in conservative terms of freedom of choice and user road development in the US was and remains highly subsidized and so represents a distortion of the market.

What you're not so likely to find on a bicycle is one of them Neander-cons...but then, even W rode a bike.

Anonymous said...

I've known quite a few conservative cyclists, and quite a few gun owners all across the spectrum. Usually, the leftie cyclists I know are most vocal, so yeah... that's what you'll notice. The more conservative ones, many of 'em anyway, simply bike to work or wherever, kinda keeping to themselves. I'm a libertarian, so I'm more of a live-and-let-live kinda guy. I also own a few firearms, and enjoy shooting them. Oddly enough, not one of them has gone on a shooting spree yet, nor are any of them meant to be used against humans, except in self defense.