Monday, December 26, 2005

Hangover cure

Health911 tells me that "exercise will help get rid of your hangover by helping the body rid itself of toxins. The increased circulation gets blood and oxygen to your oxygen-starved brain."

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Are these people high? Who in the world wants to exercise the morning after, for cryin' out loud? You have a raging headache, your mouth is dry, and you feel like you've been hit by a truck. You feel awful. Worse than awful. Take two aspirin and call me in the morning. See related: , , ,


gwadzilla said...

getting on the bike is hard...
once on the bike
the hangover melts away

vj said...

I gotta agree with you, Fritz. I did a race summer before last after tying one on the night before, and it was agony. I felt like I was swimming through molasses. Yuck! Maybe you should get on the bike after sleeping in, drinking a lot of water, eating a greasy breakfast and taking a nap?