Friday, December 02, 2005

World's fastest bike

James posted his son's design for James' rocketbike. Here's a clip from a fun song about his bike. 90KB, 41 seconds, low-quality mono MP3.
My bicycle's the fastest that the world has ever seen.
It has supersonic engines and a flame retardent sheen.
My bicycle will travel a gazillion miles an hour.
It has rockets on the handlebar for supplemental power.
Every time I take a ride
Everybody's eyes get wide.
Wow! Oooh!
Zoom zoom zoom! Vroom vroom vroom!
Go go go! Whoa whoa whoa! Yeah yeah.

Here I come now
On my bike.
The song, "The World's Fastest Bicycle" is from a CD of children's song by performer Eric Herman. I enjoy this album -- it's fun, energetic, and creative.

1 comment:

James T said...

Thanks for the tip. I have to get that CD for my kids now. They will love it (or at least I will)