My Bike to Work Day plans. Feel free to join in if you'd like! I'll be running video and have my still camera on me for photos. I'll be running at about a 18 to 20 mph pace, though the morning run will have long(ish) breaks as I take photos at the Energizer stations and stuff my face with Hobee's coffee cakes.
Morning: This one's a little iffy because it depends on my arrival time in San Jose. I plan to be at San Jose Diridon Station about 7 AM or a little before, so I'll catch one of Caltrain 313, 215, 217 or 319 depending on when I arrive. I'll then detrain in Mountain View or (if necessary) Sunnyvale. Follow me
on Twitter if you'd like to meet up with me, and send me a @reply message so I know to look for you.
After I detrain, I plan to hit the Energizer Stations at Mountain View Castro Street Caltrain; Castro & California; Wilkie Way bike bridge; California Avenue Caltrain; Palo Alto City Hall; Palo Alto Bike Station; EPA Community Church; and Dumbarton Bridge.
Evening: I'll be in the evening
Mountain View to San Jose commuter convoy meeting at 5:30 PM at Mountain View Caltrain in the parking lot at the north of the southbound platform (next to Aki & Sho's "Cafe Maison" hot dog stand). We'll go down Evelyn -> Monroe -> Park before cutting across to the Alameda toward the "Bike Away from Work Bash" at Plan 51.
do you mean planT 51?
Thanks for sharing your bike to work plans - If I were in Silicon Valley, I would have joined in the fun!
Yeah, Plant 51.
We're going to leave from MV Castro Street at 5:45 for those who want to join.
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