Friday, October 28, 2005

How many ways can you say bicycle?

Venice di Milo in Pink
Originally uploaded by lorenzodom.
I've lost about a thousand of my readers over the last week. I suspect this is because I'm being such a nitpicky, legalistic drag lately. Here, I return to something a little less mundane.

On the Flickr photo-sharing service you can "tag" your photos to organize them into various categories. Tags also help other people find the photos they're interested in, which is how I find most of the photos I post to CYCLE-licious.

Lorenzo tags all of his bicycle photos in about a dozen different languages. Below we have English, Italian, Spanish, French, German, Dutch, Norwegian, Russian, Chinese (simplified and traditional) and Japanese. Which do you know? I don't see Portuguese, Greek, Hebrew, Arabic or Hindi. What other important languages are missing?

bike bicycle bici bicicleta vélo Fahrrad bicicletta fiets sykkel
велосипед 自行车 腳踏車
じてんしゃをこぐ 自転車を漕ぐ バイク ちゃり じてんしゃ 自転車

Apologies if you don't have the fonts installed to correctly render all of these character sets.

More tag spam in Italian, Spanish, French, German, Dutch, Norse: , , , , , ,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bicycle in polish language is rower. Best regards from Berlin, Germany, from where it is only 50 km to Poland.