Monday, October 24, 2005

VeloSwap in then news

The Vail Daily News sent a writer to Denver to write about VeloSwap. Ms. Farnell expresses her misunderstanding of fixie culture and also writes that "you're bound to run into someone you know and brag about the computer you just scored for $10." At the end of the swap meet, Cateye was selling boxes of 10 bike computers for $25, so there.

I didn't run into him there, but my sometime-riding-partner randomdreams complains a little about how commercial the swap meet has become, "with greasy pro racers hawking last year's components" stuck out back.

Rob from Boulder, on the other hand, mentions the freaks, freakazoids, nuts, and bike sluts at VeloSwap.

Dustin went to VeloSwap hoping to score a sweet fixed-gear bike but went home empty-handed. Note to Dustin: you buy a used frame for like $10 at VeloSwap and build that up into a fixie. I ran into my buddy Jason at VeloSwap who had bought a nice frame for exactly that purpose.

Ben walked to VeloSwap and finishes his post with "Ski season is here, and bike season is still underway. I love Colorado." Amen.

One last question: Do you pronounce it "VEE low swap" or "VAY low swap"?


Anonymous said...

Vay-low, which I do believe is the correct pronunciation given its romantic language roots where the "e" vowel is pronounced with a long "a" sound.

like the word "Bueno" is "Bway-no", not "Bwi-no"

Yokota Fritz said...

Thanks Sarah. I usually here it "VAY loh" or rather the short 'E' sound -- I guess 'VEH' would be better as in "Oy veh."