Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Throwing the dog a bone

CycleDog says he's starving for attention. So go bug him some already. Leave comments and let him know how much you love wasabi-flavored soynuts.

I nearly hit a leashless golden retriever on my ride to work this morning. The dog's owner chuckled as a skidded to a stop on the rain-slick street. I gave Mr. Irresponsible a piece of my mind. Grrr.

1 comment:

SiouxGeonz said...

Must be the day for it! I got chomped on by a dog "protecting", I am sure, the child-units cavorting in their front yard on their four-wheelers. My co-riders tell me they were at least trying to call the dog off of us... on the other hand, when we pulled over half a mile down the road and the cur came back down to tell us he was displeased (but didn't actually attack... Bob had pepper spray handy and we were all sending aggressive body language...) they didn't seem concerned at all. I must confess I am *reasonably* sure that animal control will at least make them nervous and that it will be an unpleasant surprise for them (and that maybe they'll wish they gave the incident a little more attention!! naw, that would mean they weren't completely self-centered blurfleheads...) Wish I could be sure they'd have to confine the creature.