Friday, November 11, 2005


Secret fact: Boku-wa nihonjin desu. Partly, anyway.

I ran across a bicycle blog with the coolest name: HONK de BONK. My Nihongo is very rusty, but HONK de BONK covers professional bicycle road racing with '06 TdF speculations and similar stories -- you know, the same stuff you can read in English at Cycloblog and Velochimp. The blogger also likes to blog about cookies that he thinks are tasty.

Kumataro-san, if you follow the trackback here, please let us amerikajin know where you got the name HONK de BONK.

I'm just mentioning HONK de BONK because it's such a cool blog name. That, and it's a slow evening at Cyclelicious Central.


Anonymous said...

Hello, Fritz. I am kumataro.
Thank you for reading my blog.
My English is poor. I hope my English is clear enough.

My blog name "Honk de BONK" is my original. I think this is not grammatical English, though... But I learned from "A-Z of Le Tour" of BBC.

Cycling language is unfamiliar vocabulary in Japan, probably in USA too?
Incidentally, "Honking" is "dancing", "Bonk" is "hunger knock" in Japanese. The pronunciation is same to English.

Yokota Fritz said...

Kumatoro, anata-no eigo-wa "excellent" desu! HONK de BONK -- the name is very good and the explanation is perfect. Gambate ne!